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Introducing Stephanie

Citizen Servant
After graduating with a BA in Broadcast Communications from Texas Southern University, I moved to Aurora, Colorado. I have lived and raised my family in Aurora's Eastridge community for over 25 years. I'm a wife, mother, grandmother, small business owner, and President of the Aurora Cultural Artst District. As such, I've witnessed our community thrive and grow. Now Aurora is at a crossroad.
My concern has grown for the future of our community. With crime and the cost of living escalating, our attention to making the future of Aurora safe and economically vibrant is more important than ever. With your help, we can make a difference.
Community Issues
My campaign focuses on three top priorities and issues. They are all critical to the health and welfare of the city of Aurora and its citizens. To create the needed changes requires a city council dedicated to and focused on assuring the implementation of solutions that work. I will be a catalyst for that dedication and focus.
Safe Communities
Affordable Living
In Aurora, the same one-bedroom apartment that cost $800 two years ago is now over $1500. Our state legislature persists on passing bills that increase our cost of living and make Colorado a more difficult place to live and creates and imperative for the Aurora City Council to swiftly implement laws that help make our city become one of the most affordable large cities in the United States.
Our future demands an affordable Colorado and Aurora can lead the charge in that effort.
Economic Growth
In The Community
Ward IV encompases 34 precincts bordered on the South by Hampton and Parker, on the West by Dayton, on the North by Mississippi i and the East by Buckley and Chambers. Stephanie and team are walking and knocking in all 34 precincts. They look forward to meeting and speaking with you.
Stephanie and her opponent appeared at the Aurora City Council Candidates Forum on Thursday, September 28th. Please click on the image below to view the candidates questions and answers.
Stephanie cleary demonstrated her readiness to take the Ward IV Council seat in November.
In The News
Stephanie is committed to working with community problem solvers and making sure that we all have an opportunity to make a difference.

Al Gardner
"Stephanie Hancock loves her family, our community, and our country and these values motivate everything she does. While I am a proud Democrat and Stephanie and I don’t always agree, I respect her ability to work through the problems that impact our community. Her ability to bring her whole self and life experiences will serve Aurora’s Ward 4 citizens well."

Aurora Police Association
"I am proud to have earned the endorsement of the Aurora Police Association Board and the professionals who keep us safe. Families across Aurora list public safety as their top concern. All of our communities deserve to feel safe and that starts with working with our Aurora safety officers."

John Kelner
"We need a comprehensive approach to public safety that brings together our police officers, prosecutors and the community to keep us safe. Stephanie Hancock understands that and will be a strong facilitator to protect Aurora families and neighborhoods."

Dustin Zvonek
"Stephanie has a history of stepping up to serve the residents of Aurora. Her passion, proven leadership, and unwavering commitment to improving the safety of our community will be a welcome addition to the council. I hope you will join me in supporting Stephanie Hancock for Aurora City Council. "

Marsha Berzens
"I am proud to endorse Stephanie Hancock for Ward 4. Having served on the Aurora City Council myself, I can confidently say that Stephanie possesses the qualities and dedication needed to effectively represent our community. Her commitment to public safety, inclusivity, and fiscal responsibility is unmatched. Join me in supporting Stephanie for Ward 4. Together we can move Aurora forward. "

The Honorable Bob Schaffer
"As a veteran and passionate arts community advocate, Stephanie Hancock intimately knows Aurora's issues. Stephaie is a trusted friend, a powerful voice for us, and one who know through experience the boundless possibilitie of Aurora's future. I strenuously urge everyone to vote for her."

Colorado Resturant Association
"No other industry has felt the heavy weight of public policy like our family owned resturants. We've seen many of our favorite community icons have to close their doors because of the costly burdens imposed by our government. I appreciate the support of the Colorado Resturant Association as I fight to support these family owned businesses."

Danielle Jurinsky
"Stephanie Hancock will be a strong voice for Ward 4 and Aurora residents by improving our public safety, empowering our local business owners, and working to make our city more affordable for individuals and families."

Steve Sundberg
"Aurora families deserve a leader who will fight for their values, fight for their safety, and fight for their affordability. I've seen firsthand Stephanie Hancock's tireless dedication to her family and her community, and she'll commit that same passion to the people of Aurora and Ward 4 "

Industrial Property Owners Consortium
"As someone who proudly promotes responsible growth and fostering collaboration among both large and small businesses, I;m especially honored to have earned the endorsement of IPOC. I am excited to partner with them and help continue to make Aurora a business friendly city."

Aurora Fraternal Order of Police
"As a city it is vital that our residents fell safe. That's why I'm honored to receive the endorsement of the Aurora Fraternal Order of Police. I am eager to at as an empowering partner to ensure Aurora families experience a sense of security within their community. "

Lisa Neal-Graves
"Although we have very different political leanings, we agree on love and respect for all human beings. In response to our partisan political climate, I choose to elect the person, their competence, and their heart to serve. Stephanie is unequivalently THE candidate of choice for Aurora City Council and a needed voice to support the Aurora Community."

Mike Coffman
"Stephanie Hancock already has an extraordinary record of accomplishments and a proven record of leadership in the city of Aurora and she will make an outstanding member of our city council. I strongly endorse Stephanie Hancock for Aurora City Council. "

South Metro Denver Realtors Association
"I am proud to have received the endorsement of The South Metro Denver Realtor Association. Their endorsement signifies our shared vision for fostering a thriving Aurora, centered aournd sustainable development, acccessible housing, and economic prosperity. I eargerly anticipate the opportunity to collaborate together to advance the progress of Aurora."

Metro Housing Coalition
"Securing affordable housing and building equity for the future are important to residents of Aurora and Ward 4 which is why I'm honored to receive the Metro Housing Coalition endorsement and work together on attainable housing policies in Aurora. Our young people and seniors on fixed incomes deserve hope and opportunities to find and retian housing and those solutions will involve us all."

Bob Legare
"Stephanie Hancock's energy and passion for Aurora are enlightening and she brings a broad understanding of our city and its history from the original Aurora to the growing east and southeast areas. Stephanie knows Ward 4 very well and she has the ability to assess and understand the larger issues that need to be addressed in Aurora. Stephanie Hancock will be a welcome addition to the Aurora city council, and I heartily endorsed her campaign for Ward 4. "

Aurora Sentinel
"Hancock brings years of experience in the business and arts communities, having co-founded 5280 Artist Co-Op and serving as president of the Aurora Cultural Arts District. Stephanie Hancock is running for Aurora City Council. She is a graduate of Texas Southern University and a U.S. Air Force veteran, and she has lived in Aurora for more than 30 years. "